Class of 2020
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Minor: Mathematics
Aspiration Statement
I want to study and give CSS exams after graduating. I also want to preferably work for a year to gauge experience before pursuing my masters focused in Management from Duke or SOAS. Other passions include cooking especially baking which I might pursue if nothing works out.
Core Skills
- Stata
- Qualitative Research
- Proposal Writing
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Project Management
- Adobe Illustrator
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Student Council Member - Editor-in-Chief
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Perspectives Magazine - Managing Editor/Writer
- Logicose - Senior Content Specialist
- Hisaar Foundation - Research & Communications Intern
- Marvi Mazhar & Associates - Research Intern
- Habib University- Uraan - Communication Instructor
Final Year Project
Project Title
Occupational Segregation: The Experiences of Male Nurses
The research studied the experiences of men who are in the field of nursing which is assumed to be a female-dominated field. It included three types of research methods such as a focus group, open-ended interviews and a questionnaire along with secondary research. The study interpreted the results in light of different sociological theories such as the glass escalator and tokenism.